.Drippr A mac brewing recipe.

What is .Drippr?

.Drippr is the recipe for my MacOS environment, what I mean by that is, I can take a new Mac computer, run brew.sh and it will install most of the stuff I need, like npm and git and node, along with a bunch of apps that I use daily. After the brew is done, It will link all my .dotfiles to the new instances so I’ll have all my personal configuratións with minimal effort.

I can run this process as many times as I want without risk, just like drinking coffee.

What's in it?

Pour.sh is a three script task, and you can run each on its own:

Note: Do not run any script without understanding what it does and if you do chose to run this one, it is in no way perfect, this is just what works for me, but you can still use it to build your own.

How does it work?

Download or clone .Dripr

 git clone https://github.com/rodrigoibarra/Dripr.git && cd Dripr

Once that's done please read the script and understand what it does

 nano freshBrew.sh

Now you are ready to brew.

 sh freshBrew.sh